Find a room with an easy enemy (like a single doppelganger in the womb or utero) and your supply of bombs can be entirely converted to a supply of blue hearts by combining the battery with a nail or book of revelations. This means entering a room with 3 charges, waiting to use the item and waiting again with an enemy still present will yield a total of six bars per room, no 9-volt required. Additionally, if you use a fully charged item, the 3 charges per room limit resets.

Now combine it with My Little Unicorn for invincibility, Prayer Card for limitless health, or a myriad of other items for all sorts of awesome abilities. Combine this with the 9-volt (plus two charge points automatically) and it works for every single room.

If you can blow the doors open or exit through a secret door (x-ray glasses, for example), it's effectively an infinite charge. This means a charged item every two rooms, even on the longest charging items. The Battery, which regenerates three points on a spacebar item if you wait in a room with enemies long enough.He's even more broken during the "Meat 4 Evar" challenge, which starts you with 1 fully assembled Meatboy and allows you to build another one.On the other hand, he can also sometimes push bombs away from where you place them. It takes a while to get him, but he'll wipe out most enemies without your input. He chases down enemies with a cheery smile and blocks bullets.